Thursday, December 17, 2009

Kharma - working on at art sales!

Today was the last Thursday before Christmas for me to help sell Rita's photographs. As you can see from the alley, we had a nice set up. But, sadly there were not a lot of people coming by.  Also, there were several tents in from of us.

As Canine Executive Officer, I tried hard to get people to come over. Of course, they all mentioned how "cute" I was ... no kidding. At least 10 people mention this every time Rita takes me for a walk.   I even placed myself in front of Joey's cow. He owns JC Gallery and Studio.  They are great and allow Rita and me to sell art outside their gallery.  I always get lots of attention and biscuits when I visit the gallery.

Before closing up for the day, I took a break and did some doga (dog yoga) on the tree carpet.  Great for a long day.

When I got home, I let relaxed by way tug-of-war with a new toy and then headed off to sleep.

To help support us, visit "Donate for Good Kharma" to help get more kibble for me.

More sleep, oops, I mean work for tomorrow ... it's a hard life for a fluffy dog!

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