On August 13, 2011, Kharma and I headed to Cardiff, CA to enjoy the annual Dog Days of Summer event. Kharma received so many treats that he "almost" didn't eat dinner. Almost ... but he's never really missed a meal.
Doing Street Photography was a great way capture the event. Kharma loves sharing what his doggy friends are doing in the community.
Now ... who's dressed up like their dog. We were at the beach, but you would think we were in snow country.
This dog had awesome eyes and was a complete ham. He's the doggy Zoolander!
This little guy hurt himself when jumping of the bed. But that didn't stop him from attending.
Kharma just had to be the first and last photo on his page. To check out more from Kharma, check him out on www.facebook.com/LastPawStanding.