My human, Rita, decided to jog today. Why? No idea. I liked it for a while, but I wasn't able to visit my favorite trees.
She jogged and I ran ... my little tiny legs took over. I really did like it, but I didn't let on.
So now, it is time for a nap -- across Rita's bed.
Tomorrow, I'm attending an Art Walk in Oceanside, CA and the following week, Rita is taking me to Little Italy in San Diego for another art adventure. I like these outdoor events. Dogs, like me can attend and everyone comments on how gorgeous I am. Tons of butt massages ... life is good!
Rita was given a book on Pomeranians ... of which I am one. There are some interesting facts and I seem to have some of the behaviors, not all. I do like the photographs that Rita takes of me. Sorry other dog ... I am the cutest dog on the planet :) woof, woof ... bark, woof!
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