Monday, December 3, 2012

Scratching Kharma

Well well everyone. I've started to create videos. Just learning, but it's loads of fun. Check out a very simple one.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012 and Kharma's top Images of 2011!!

Kharma is so excited about 2012 and the new adventures this year will bring. He's excited about meeting so new doggy friends and playing with his best dog BFFs. He's even more excited to pee on numerous bushes, smell many doggy butts and never ending car rides.
His fur is still growing in from the attack (back in October), but he has recoved.

In no "order" we're sharing a few of his 2011 Top Photographs.

He so "not" a friend of rain or towel time.

Hanging with Mack at the Park!

Rudolph didn't stand a chance!

Loves to play at the beach with his bud Musashi!

 Kharma's always willing to stop for photos with his fans. 
He's a favorite with all the children.


Hanging out with neighbors, both canine and human!

A little smile on his face and he can claim any couch!

Kharma wishes everyone a Happy New Year ... Go 2012!